Magical evening

Magical evening

We spent a magical evening watching the northern lights from a jetty at Telegrafbukta. The nights are quickly getting shorter, and even at midnight there is still some twilight left. This evening, the sky was still light in the west when the northern lights appeared. It was truly magical to watch them dance while the sky was a very intense blue.

As the sky got darker, the activity was decreasing – time to go home 🙂 A great end to the aurora season!

5 thoughts on “Magical evening

  1. Sooo beautiful! I love that it's bright on the horizon yet you can clearly see so many stars in the edge of darkness 🙂 Thanks for the photos! It is just more motivation for us to come visit! As if we didn't have plenty to start 🙂 Hugs!

  2. Nicole, how about a honeymoon to Norway?? 🙂 I really hope you can come visit at some point!!

    Ben, thanks 🙂 I hope you will!

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