Aurora in August

Aurora in August

Even though I don’t really want the summer to end – especially not when we finally have some really sunny weather lately – I’ve been impatiently waiting for the nights to get dark enough to see the aurora. I read on Spaceweather that auroras were forecasted for tonight, so I kept an eye on the sky, even though I didn’t think it would be dark enough yet, especially with the full moon out as well. Oh how exciting when I stepped outside and saw beautiful aurora dancing in the sky – I was literally jumping for joy 😀

I quickly went to the jetty at Telegrafbukta with my camera. The show didn’t last very long, but it was beautiful. Even the bright full moon couldn’t overpower them!

The first aurora of the season! What a beautiful evening... Aurora and the bright full moon

When the “lights went out”, I stayed for a while longer hoping they would come back. The moon was reflected in the fjord, it was beautiful. To entertain myself, I took a self portrait 🙂

Self portrait :)

Less than 5 months ago, I was at the same place enjoying the last aurora of the season. It’s so exciting to be at the start of a new season 🙂

6 thoughts on “Aurora in August

  1. I didn’t know it was possible either! I guess they have to be quite strong to be visible while it’s still so light. Murmansk is actually slightly more south than Tromsø, so your nights should be a little bit darker 😀

  2. Oh wow! Those pictures are gorgeous. 😀 I hope I can come back up north soon and see an aurora.

  3. Really nice pictures. What were their shutter speeds and apertures? The moon seems like sun behind light dark glass.

    1. Thank you!

      I used an exposure time of 5-6 sec on f/5, except for the self portrait where I used 8 sec as the foreground is quite dark. The moon was really bright, it does almost look like the sun in these photos 😀

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