The weather forecast for yesterday was good, and since there was rain in the forecast for today, we decided to make the most of it. Eelke and Roy had chosen the first top on the way to Tverrfjellet, a mountain that I had once climbed in summer. We decided to join. I don’t have randonnée ski’s, and took my snowshoes instead. I was curious to find out if I’d be able to keep up with them. We started early and at around 10 we were ready to leave the parking lot. It was only just getting light, and the sky was very purple!
The views were beautiful all day… One reason I like snowshoeing so much is that it’s easier to take photos, so I had brought my SLR. I’m glad I did!
It was a beautiful day, cold – but hardly any wind – and a perfect blue sky. The photo on the right (below) is taken by Eelke.
Up, up, up! Our aim was a top at 525 m. There were quite a few others with the same idea 🙂
Time for another panorama…
After about 2 hours, we reached our goal. We had a nice lunch break on the top.
Including a chocolate orange 🙂
And then it was time to return. I was worried I would take a lot longer to come down than the skiers, as I have to walk down while they can ski. When I started to walk, this Norwegian skier passed me by and disappeared out of view within minutes 😀
However, Paul, Eelke and Roy were still faffing with their ski’s while I already started my way down – and in the end I was only about 5 minutes slower getting to the car! It was really fun as well, and I’m looking forward to join some more of their toppturs this winter 🙂