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Category: Norway



We’ve had two days of beautiful sunny weather in Tromsø, and yesterday we even had temperatures of 22°C! We’ve been making the most of it, as you never know how long it lasts – today is cold, grey and rainy. Last night we drove through the new tunnel to Vikran on the Malangen peninsula. The roads are really quiet there, and we parked our car and continued by bike 🙂 It was so beautiful! Summer is at its peak and flowers are everywhere, like this field full of buttercups…

Fields of buttercups Old boat house :) The buttercups were swaying in the wind

We explored Kobbevågen nature reserve, a really nice area of beaches and shallow sea that falls dry at low tide. We saw a group of swans here, I don’t think I’ve ever seen swans around Tromsø before! In spring lots of birds pass through this area on their migration, and to a lesser extent also in autumn. Must remember that to visit at the right time 🙂

Waiting for high tide... A few cabins near the beach Kobbevågen nature reserve

We had planned a nice picknick break but unfortunately the summer weather has woken up the mosquitos – arghh. So after a quick drink we cycled back to the car and drove back to Tromsø. A nice little trip, and fun to find a new area to explore.

More photos soon – I’ve also just come back from a wonderful week in Switzerland but it will take some time to go through the photos I took there 😉

Fellestur til Nordtinden

Fellestur til Nordtinden

Last week I joined a “fellestur” (joint trip) to Nordtinden (640 m), one of the Ti på Topp mountains. Four years ago we climbed Nordtinden on a beautiful summer day in August, but then we started from Kvaløyvågen, and this time we started from Skulsfjord. I had never joint a fellestur before, as I know the Norwegians are mountain goats and hard to keep up with, but I decided I could handle the challenge now 😉

We had to cross a few areas with snow Nearly at the top

It was grey weather when we started but it cleared up once we got to the top. We made it to the top in just under 2 hours. I was proud to have survived the Norwegian walking speed 😉 it did mean less time for taking photos though!

Kvaløyvågen seen from Nordtinden The top!

At the top we did take a long break for taking photos and for having something to eat and drink.

Click click click Beautiful view

Of course everybody had to sign the turbok and then it was time to make our way down…

Looking into Kaldfjorden Making our way back down

The views were beautiful in the evening light!

View of lakes in the evening sun Walking back over the tractor road to Skulsjord - beautiful view of Store Blåmann!

It was a great trip, and really nice to meet new people 🙂 On the way home, I stopped at Telegrafbukta to take some photos – the light was beautiful at 23:00 and it’s finally starting to look green 🙂

It was such a lovely evening, I had to stop at Telegrafbukta to take some photos. It's FINALLY turning green here. This photo was taken at 23:00



Two weeks ago we decided to take a daytrip to Vannøya, an island north of Tromsø. It had been snowing during the night and driving conditions on some stretches were really tough – luckily we hadn’t changed to summer tires yet! The weather improved during the day so the view on the drive back was completely different…

Driving to Vannøya, taken at approximately the same place on the way out and on the way back... crazy! Vannøya from the ferry... hidden in a snow shower

After arriving on the island, our first stop was Torsvåg. I really wanted to visit Torsvåg as the lighthouse there is one of our measurement stations as well as a dividing place for our wind warnings, and I had never been there before. The lighthouse is quite special, it’s integrated into a house. Nobody seemed to live there though… I would have liked to visit, but there was nobody there.

Fish heads - yum ;) The lighthouse at Torsvåg

Nearby we found this small pier with a railroad on it…

A little railroad for (un)loading ships The railroad seen from the other side of the pier

There were also lots of snow buntings around. You can read a nice article about them here.

A snow bunting

Torsvåg seen from the pier – lots of fishing boats and a few fish farms. It was Sunday so all the boats were in port, and only some keen people were out in rented boats (one of them carrying a huge Russian flag :D).

The harbour of Torsvåg The harbour of Torsvåg

After visiting Torsvåg, we drove to the settlement of Burøysund, on the other side of the island. Quite a sleepy place…

Burøysund Old houses on the island of Burøya

Back on the western side of the island, we visited the enormous beach at Sandbukta – really pretty!

The beach at Sandbukta The sand was moving so quickly in the stream that it looked blurred even without a long exposure

Nice bend in one of the streams Sandbukta beach

There were some old boathouses near the beach…

Nice old boathouse near Sandbukta beach The same boathouse seen from the other side

We continued exploring the island and drove to the “capital” Vannvåg. A fishing boat had just come in and there were LOTS of seagulls around.

LOTS of seagulls - near the fish processing place of course ;) There are also lots of reindeer on Vannøya. This one has lost one of its antlers

Finally we reached the end of the road at Kristoffervalen. We had a nice lunchbreak in this little harbour :).

The end of the road: the little harbour at Kristoffervalen At Kristoffervalen

Nearby they were storing parts of windturbines that are about to be built. They’re building a wind farm with 18 turbines at Fakken. The turbines come from Italy and were stored on the quay – impressive to see how big the blades are!!

The MASSIVE blades of a windturbine ready to be built - they are 50 m long! Quite an impressive lorry arrangement to transport the turbines

Here are the first 3 turbines, and in the foreground the container houses that I assume are used for housing employees. Nobody seemed to be around now though.

Three windmills are standing so far, they are building 18 in total. There were lots of these container houses - I guess the employees live there at times?

We decided to go for a little walk along the coast. It was warm enough to walk without a coat, and with the lack of snow in this area, it almost felt like summer 🙂 Strange when you think that we were driving through snow showers in the morning!

The weather really cleared up and we went for a little walk - so beautiful! Paul trying to be Lars Monsen in his high waterproof boots ;)

We walked to a small settlement – what an idyllic place. If you keep walking, you get to an (at least partly) abandoned fishing village, but we didn’t have time to walk that far. Next time!

After a few kilometres we came to a little settlement What a beautiful place to have a house!

There were lots of birds around, I wish I had a better lens to capture them 🙂 I think this is a redshank (rødstilk in Norwegian, tureluur in Dutch) – but please correct me if I’m wrong!

I think this is a Redshank/Rødstilk - wish I had a better lens for bird photography! Another photo of the redshank

Nice reflections in the evening light… and later on, back in the car and on the way to the ferry, we had a nice view of Nord Fugløya, a bird island that Paul hopes to visit 🙂

Nice reflections View towards Nord Fugløya - a bird island

Waiting for the ferry back…

Waiting for the ferry home

It was a fantastic day and I really liked Vannøya – would really like to come back in summer and explore more 🙂

We haven’t been on many trips since then, the weather has been really miserable. And when it wasn’t, I was at work. Paul did go on a really nice trip on the 17th of May, to Nord Kvaløya – see his photos here. It will be June very soon, but this was the view from our living room today… (and for the optimists who think we do have green grass – nope, it’s artificial :D). Waiting for better times…

Almost June...