Aurora over Hamna

Aurora over Hamna

Last Friday I was invited for very tasty snert at Eelke and Roy’s. It was a clear night, and the aurora forecast was looking good, so I brought my camera and tripod along – just in case 😉 And yes, after dinner the auroras were dancing and we decided to go for a walk near their house. The first photo was taken from a nearby (frozen) lake, the snow was so deep there that we didn’t venture very far! The second photo is taken from a nice lookout over Hamna, a neighbourhood in Tromsø.

Aurora over a frozen lake Aurora over Hamna, Tromsø

I also took this panorama (consisting of 2 images) of the impressive northern lights over Hamna…

A panorama of the northern lights over Hamna, Tromsø

After a while, the activity decreased and we went back for a nice cup of hot chocolate 🙂

4 thoughts on “Aurora over Hamna

  1. that is so cool. great picture! i’m going to tromso in the beginning of this april. i really hope that i will get a chance to see that beautiful thing..

    1. I hope you will, it’s a fantastic experience. In April, the nights are getting shorter, but you should still be able to see the northern lights – and I actually think they are at their best when they appear in a sky that still has some colour in it 🙂

  2. Hee hoi, wat een gave foto’s! Jullie hebben vaker mooi noorderlicht dan wij maar bovendien hebben wij niet zo’n goede camera (en de techniek ;-)) om zulke plaatjes te schieten. Zal daarom af en toe een kijkje nemen op je site! Groetjes ook aan Eelke 🙂

    1. Hoi Sanne,
      Dankjewel! Ja hier in Tromsø hebben we wat dat betreft mazzel 🙂

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