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Category: Norway



On Saturday we drove to Håkøya, an island near Tromsø. We noticed that large parts of the sea are frozen, something we’ve never seen before! It hasn’t been especially cold, but it has been windstill and we had freezing fog (on the day the sun was supposed to come back) – so perhaps this caused the sea to freeze? The sun only comes up for a short period and by the time we arrived it was after sunset. The sky still had a deep orange colour though, and the views over the frozen sea were beautiful…

It was quite cold, so we didn’t walk for too long 😉 When we came back to the car, on one side it was getting quite dark while the lights were coming on…

While on the other side, the sky still had some colours, and was reflected in the very still water.

On Sunday the weather was overcast, and we decided to visit a waterfall near Ramfjorden. It was all frozen over, with spectacular ice formations! Below you can see Paul sitting on part of this ice fall, and some of the icicles that are part of it.

And some more ice formations.. the second photo is taken with quite a long exposure, which blurs the water flowing underneath the icicles.

It was a fun weekend! We also enjoyed the Tromsø International Film Festival last week. We saw 10 films, and we liked most of them. We thought we’d be fed up of going to the cinema by the end of the week, but we actually regretted it was over! Last night after watching our last film, we cycled to Telegrafbukta to watch the aurora from the beach, under a bright moon – a great end to the weekend 🙂

Waiting for the Light

Waiting for the Light

We’ve been back in Tromsø for a week now. A week with rubbish weather unfortunately – temperatures were above zero all week and we had lots of rain. The rain would still freeze on the ground though, which turned the whole city into an ice rink! One day I couldn’t even get up the hill next to the house – way too slippery. Our car doors keep freezing too, we’ve never had a problem with that before. Yesterday after we finally managed to open them, they froze while we were inside the car! Luckily they defrosted after driving around for a while. We need snow!

The weather finally cleared up yesterday, and we went for a little trip with Maiten, hoping to see the northern lights. They had been quite active, but by the time we got out of town they had died down. I only took this photo below, which does show a green glow, but I used an exposure of more than 7 minutes! Still, shows how many stars there were 🙂

The days have been getting lighter, and the sun comes above the horizon now. Not yet above the mountains, we have to wait until Thursday for that. I took this panorama just before 15:00, it was quite dark already but I loved the cloud!

That’s all for now, but I hope to upload some more photos of our Christmas break tomorrow 🙂

Flying Home for Christmas

Flying Home for Christmas

I haven’t had time to write my blog for ages – in fact I even haven’t taken any photos for over 2 weeks which is probably a record for me 😉 The reason for this was that I’ve been working on the corrections for my PhD. It hasn’t been easy to work on that during evenings/weekends with a new job taking up most of my energy. Last Sunday I finally sent an email to my external examiner with a new version of my thesis. And today I had good news: they have been accepted!!! This means that all I’ve left to do is get 2 bound copies to UEA, and then I’m finally officially Dr. Hanneke 🙂 It’s a huge relief, and a great way to start our Christmas break 🙂

We’re flying to Oslo tonight, and on to Amsterdam tomorrow morning. I can’t wait! We’re having a (very) late Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, and Christmas and New Year in England. I’m really looking forward to it! I hope to find some time to put photos online while we’re away 🙂

As I can’t write a blog post without any photos, here is one I took on Sunday night, just before finishing the corrections. We went to watch the northern lights, but they didn’t get very active. The lights reflecting in the water were pretty though! And we saw several meteorites (Geminids), one so low we thought it might land in the water! If you enlarge the picture below, you can see one…

Merry Christmas everyone!!