A month late, but here are finally some pictures of Bart, Kaya & Mare‘s visit to Tromsø in February. Mare turned 2 the day after they arrived, she’s a real little lady now and not a baby anymore!

For once, our visitors were lucky with the weather. It was sunny almost the entire week! We saw the northern lights on their first evening, unfortunately it never returned, but we did have lots of sun! Mare is in a copycat phase, as you can see below 😉 But I also took a prettier portrait of the little family!

During the first weekend we went for a drive on the mainland. We stopped to see the view at this pretty green house on the fjord. We noticed we had very nice long shadows 🙂

Mare is crazy about cats, even if they are huge and made of stone – she even kissed this one several times…

We spent lots of time playing of course 🙂 Mare even got Paul to play with her!

And we spent lots of time playing in the snow…

I borrowed a sledge for Mare, but guess who were having most fun with it 😉

Meanwhile Mare was playing with snow on a mini picknick table. The views from there were very pretty!

One evening I went to visit the Arctic cathedral with Kaya. I had never even been inside. The opening hours in winter are very limited – 16:00 to 18:00. Pity they are only open when it’s dark and it’s hard to admire the huge stained glass window at the back. I do love the architecture of this place…

We had so many sunny days, with very pretty sunsets. On their last evening Paul went ice fishing with Bart (but without catching anything..) while the rest of us visited my collegue Ine-Therese who lives on Ramfjorden. She has three kids so Mare made some new friends 🙂 Ine-Therese’s youngest son is only about 6 months old and very cute 🙂

Mare was completely in love with him and kept coming over to give him hugs and kisses.. so cute to watch!

Their week here flew by, and before we knew it, it was time to go back to the airport… It was great having them visit! Our house was so quiet after they left… Here is one last picture of Mare with very big eyes, and a peanut butter mouth 😉

That’s all for a while – we’re leaving for a trip to Murmansk in Russia tomorrow morning. I’m sure we’ll come back with lots of stories and photos 🙂