Back in Tromsø

Back in Tromsø

We came back from our trip to the Netherlands and Canada last Wednesday night, and found wonderful summer weather in Tromsø! There is no midnight sun anymore, but the nights are still very light. Last night, we went for a walk, to one of the easier “Ti på Topp” mountains: Nattmålsfjellet, 297 m high. It was incredibly beautiful, with large fields of cotton grass…

We really enjoyed our little walk (it only took about 45 minutes to reach the top), and to be out in nature again. In Canada we were mostly staying in cities and we were craving the outdoors!

This panorama (you can scroll through the enlarged version) shows the view from the top, with Tromsø island on the far right – beautiful!

Paul went back to work today, and I am FREE 🙂 It feels great not having to work on my thesis anymore, I feel like I have my life back now! Keep an eye on this blog during the coming week, I am preparing a lot of posts with photos of our time in the Netherlands and in Canada…

One thought on “Back in Tromsø

  1. Such a breathtaking view in that last picture. I'd love to be there right now. And I hope you had a good time in the Netherlands and Canada. 🙂

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