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Author: Paul

Kung-fu Paragliding

Kung-fu Paragliding

Today is day 9 of the 14 day course and so far I’ve done 11 solo flights, some of them lasting more than 20 minutes. I can now launch the paraglider fairly reliably and land using a left hand approach. Sometimes I need a bit of instruction over the radio to ensure the final approach is at the right speed and height, but each one is better than the last. Before landing a paraglider it’s advisable to stand up in the harness and get ready to run, but initially I had a tendency to start kicking my legs considerably before landing, especially if the ground seemed to be approaching too quickly. People seemed to find this pretty hilarious, but fortunately I managed to stop doing it before anybody got a video.

Today, others stole the landing lime light though. One person landed on a parasol that the rest of us were sitting under moments before, and another landed so short that our instructor had to jump on his motorbike and speed down the valley to get a new vantage point to guide him in from! Most of us land in the field most of the time though!

From now on I will be learning to gain height by using thermals and to soar using winds blowing over ridges. These techniques need more specific weather conditions than simply gliding down from a mountain top, and I’ve had to sit out quite a few flights because the thermals or wind have been too strong for a novice pilot. It’s a little frustrating, but hopefully I’ll be going up rather than down for the first time quite soon.

Above are some pictures of a typical flight; The first shows people setting up their gliders on the mountain top ready for launching; The second and third pictures are taken from the launch site and show people who have been in the air for only a few seconds; and the last two pictures show the landing field. I haven’t taken any aerial photos so far as I’ve had to concentrate on maneuvering too much, but I’m getting more confident so I might take my camera up at the end of the course.



On Monday I began a 14-day paragliding course in Verbier (Switzerland) run by Verbier Summits ( The course is a combined elementary pilot club pilot course and provides the minimum amount of training needed to fly unsupervised. During the first two days of the course I have learned only to take the paraglider out of its bag and attach the harness because the weather has been too bad to do anything else. I am hoping that conditions will improve soon so that I can get through the required syllabus in the available time. While waiting for the weather to improve have been for some short walks in the mountains behind Verbier. I don’t go far because I need to be back in town quickly if conditions improve, but here are a couple of pictures showing Verbier and the weather I took this afternoon.



The sea ice scientists, and to some extent the biologists are interested to know how much light penetrates though the ice to reach the water below (sunlight light warms up the ice and the water underneath and also allows algae to grow there). How do they measure how much light gets through the ice? Simple: send a diver with a light meter underneath! The first two pictures show a military diver from the crew, getting ready to enter the icy (literally) waters, while the last two pictures (taken by the divers) show the wonderful world underneath. The water temperature is roughly -2, while the air temperature is about -10.