April Auroras

April Auroras

I was packing for my trip to Oslo when I got a text from Eelke to say the northern lights were out… I was so determined to go to bed early as I have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning to catch the first flight… but I couldn’t help myself, and went out to take some photos anyway. It will soon be too light to see the auroras, so I thought this might be my last chance this season! When we got to the jetty at Telegrafbukta, the lights were not so bright anymore but it was still beautiful. The sky was still light in the west, and the crescent moon was just setting. Wonderful 🙂

Beautiful auroras against the twilight sky. Note the crescent moon just about visible above the mountains. My lens has caused a weird diffraction in the middle

There were quite a lot of people out to watch the northern lights, it was nice to talk to them 🙂 And now it’s almost 1 in the morning, my bag is still not entirely packed and I have 4 hours left before I have to get up. Sigh… I do this every time!! Tonight was worth it though 🙂

4 thoughts on “April Auroras

  1. Het was het waard 😉 dankjewel voor de waarschuwing! Ik viel de volgende dag trouwens wel in slaap tijdens een vergadering 😛

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